Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pro Aborts Belittle Thinking, Reading, ProLife Children!

One Letter, To The Editor, From Jo Braun, PhD. Seattle, In This Morning's Sioux Falls South Dakota Argus Leader, Belittles The Intelligence Of Our Children!

Abortion: Think for yourself
Jo Braun, PhD • Seattle • November 11, 2008

"To the children at whom Leslee Unruh pointed on Election Night 2008: You might grow up to share her pro-life viewpoint. You might grow up to believe in her brand of Christianity. You might grow up to be a Republican. Or you might not. In the meantime, I encourage you to do one thing: read! Read the books and magazines around your house that interest you. Then go to the public library and raid the children's and young adults sections. After you've maxed out the kids' stuff, ask a librarian to help you find more grownup novels and creative nonfiction, or browse around yourself. If a book is too difficult, don't torture yourself. Try a different one.Read authors with whom you agree and disagree. Read and ask, "What is this author trying to convince me of, and what's in it for him or her?" If your parents drag you to rallies or legislative sessions in Pierre, reading will save your sanity. Even if they've convinced you that you want to attend these rallies or a tiny Christian school or be home schooled, read. Read, and think for yourself. Trust me. I've been there. Leslee Unruh herself might even have pointed at me once."

My teenage children have chosen for themselves to be Pro life. I haven't pressured them into any political view but from their reading and inquiry have decided for themselves what to think and what to believe. I have brought them to discussions led by those favoring abortion just to have them hear the song and dance. As for millions, my children have seen the "smoke and mirrors" and are still unrelenting about LIFE for the unborn! My teenage daughter attended a rally sponsored by those who voted to keep abortion in South Dakota. She humbly gave her sympathies to Tiffany Campbell in the loss of her twin and also expressed genuine thrill in meeting Tiffany's young son. She came away from that rally believing more and more in the right of the unborn to live.

Let me share with you a story about my daughter, who took it upon herself to confront some pro choice pastors and put them in their place. A friend of mine described it in this manner...

"One of the pro-life pastors brought his teenage daughter who, at the end, stood to read some verses from Exodus. When she got to the part about "thou shalt not kill" she broke down crying and pleaded with the panel… "Why did you say that it is up to a woman and her God if she should get an abortion or not? Her God?! Are you referring to the Almighty God of the Bible? How can this go on? How can you sit there and say its okay to kill babies? How can pastors say its okay to kill babies?"
Pastor Marcia tried to gently reply "I bet it is hard for you to sit and listen to us. But you believe its a baby and not everyone does. If you don't see this as a life it changes a lot." This was the theme of the night - these pastors aren't sure what is in the womb and they dodged the question about how come, if we are so unsure, we don't err on the side of life?
The young lady's dad then told how years ago his wife was pregnant and they were told it was a Down-Syndrome baby and they chose to keep the baby anyway. And this girl was that baby (and she doesn't have Downs Syndrome) and that is why she is so passionate about abortion being murder.
I didn't say a word all night. And here's why… any of the four pro-life pastors in the room could have debated these folks sentence by sentence but what we had to say wouldn't have touched any ones heart. God used a teenage girl with a LIFE testimony to put these folks in the hot seat and send them home thinking how they as representatives of God could promote killing unborn children. Thank God for this young teenage girl - she gave the message the ministers should be giving."

It's Time For Those Who Have Favored Abortion As A "Cure All Remedy" To Wake Up, Read, View An Ultrasound And To Admit... "In The Womb, That's A Human Being, That's A Baby!"

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