Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Abortion South Dakota - Come On Jack, The Same Old, Same Old! Don't Insult "The Can Of Worms"!

A Recent Letter To The Editor In The Argus Leader Demonstrates The Strategy That Pro Aborts Use... Use Hypothetical Examples That Are The Rarity in Reality!

What Are The Chances Of The Following Happening??? .00000000000000000000000000000000001 %

Jack H. Mueller from Chamberlain wrote... Some concepts and questions need discussion before South Dakota is forced onto the slippery slope of criminalizing abortions.
Let's say some girl or woman you know gets pregnant. She finds paraphernalia and instructions on abortion on the Internet. She ends up bleeding in an emergency room, only to be arrested because the hospital was required by law to summon the police. She ends up in court along with any accomplices.
Who will be allowed to serve on the jury? Will the jury pool be asked, "Has anyone here ever had an abortion?" Will someone who protested or recorded license plate numbers at an abortion clinic be seated? Will pro-choice and pro-life organizations be subpoenaed for their membership lists? Will verdicts be overturned because jurors did not disclose their prejudices? Will the news media pounce?
Look at the myriad of laws against other crimes and know that similar variations will follow, pushed by those whose obsession is prohibition. Just like the government, the pro-life organizers still will need to justify their existence and jobs. And they'll be stirred up by the next wave waiting in the wings: the anti-contraceptive lobby.
That is the nature of government. Pass one prohibition law. Then every year the Legislature inevitably will be passing more laws, trying to tie up every loose end.
More laws. More investigations. More court cases. More penalties. More personal information on the Internet to follow people the rest of their lives.Where are the taxes going to come from? You.
Remember, the government is broke and needs your money.
"A can of worms" doesn't begin to describe this.

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