What Is It That I Like About The Opposition's Current TV Commercial Opposing South Dakota Initiative Measure 11 To End Abortion??? There Is Something Very Special!!! Don't Miss It!
No Disrespect Intended, But Thank You Chris And Tiffany Campbell For Referring Properly To The Twins In Your Womb! You Didn't Refer To Them As An Abortionist Would, As Just A Fetus Or Fetuses, Or Just Blobs Of Tissue. Thank You For Addressing Them As Your Boys! They ARE Precious Boys Named: Brady And Brendan Campbell!
Mrs. Campbell Said In The Commercial:
1. "I Was Carrying Identical Twin Boys."
2. "One Boy Was Slowly Dieing..."
3. "24 Hours To Decide If We'd End One Boy's Life To Save The Other"
Dear Campbell Family, You Probably Have Already Realized This But A Healing Thought Occurred To Me As I Tryed To Grasp The Pain Of The Hardest Decision Of Your Life Regarding Your Boys. You Just Have To Agree That The Unfortunate Death Of Brendan Was His Expression Of Love And Gave His Brother Brady, Life! How Christlike, In That, One Of Your Boys Layed Down His Life For His Brother!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Not So Fast Ladies! "Seriously, This Issue Needs To Be Put To Rest"
Ladies at http://www.dakotawomen.blogspot.com/, You Sure Would Like To Put This Issue To Rest But It Just Woke Up! How Can You Attempt To End Our Discussion By Saying...
A fabulous e-mailer (Your Opinion) had the following to say:
"Dakota Values has no idea what they are talking about. Section 2 of Measure 11 is very explicit. Any person who knowingly performs any procedure upon a pregnant woman, or uses any instrument upon a pregnant woman…with the intent of causing the termination of the life of an unborn human being is guilty of performing an illegal abortion. In the case of the Campbells an 18-gauge radio frequency needle was inserted through the abdomen of the mother and targeted the umbilical cord with the specific intent to end the life of the sicker twin. It was an intentional death. Everyone knew what was going to be done in the operating room. Seriously, this issue needs to be put to rest now. The procedure that the Campbells chose with their doctor would be outlawed in South Dakota if IM 11 passed."
THE WAKE UP CALL QUESTIONS: #1. Why Did This "Fabulous E-Mailer" Only Quote From Section 2? Remember I Pointed Out That Section 2, 3, and 4 Of Initiative 11 Were Pertinent To This Discussion. This Fabulous E-Mailer Likes To Pick And Choose In Initiative 11 What Is Favorable To Their Point Of View. #2. Question Number Two Settles How The Law Would Be Adjudicated In The Courts! What Is The Spirit Of The Law??? Answer: To Save Life In The Womb! For This Precious Family, The Campbells, To Say That Initiative 11 Would Have Prevented The Selective Cord Coagulation Procedure To Be Done or This "Fabulous E-Mailer To Say "The procedure that the Campbells chose with their doctor would be outlawed in South Dakota IF IM 11 passed, Is Premature! Just A Reminder To You Ladies As To What The Latest 8th Circuit Court Of Appeals Ruling On Abortion In South Dakota Was??? "An OUCH For You!" (Check This Out With Your Attorney Rather Than The Mysterious "Fabulous E-Mailer"!)
p.s. http://www.dakotawomen.blogspot.com/ I'd Also Like To Hear Your Argument For Not Reporting, Rape And Incest And Reporting The Perpetrator? Just A Hint, Before You Answer! Look At The South Dakota Law Already In Place..."Misprision Of A Felony" 22-11-12. Misprision of felony--Misdemeanor. Any person who, having knowledge, which is not privileged, of the commission of a felony, conceals the felony, or does not immediately disclose the felony, including the name of the perpetrator, if known, and all of the other relevant known facts, to the proper authorities, is guilty of misprision of a felony. Misprision of a felony is a Class 1 misdemeanor. There is no misprision of misdemeanors on petty offenses.
Source: SL 1976, ch 158, § 11-6; SL 2005, ch 120, § 205.
A fabulous e-mailer (Your Opinion) had the following to say:
"Dakota Values has no idea what they are talking about. Section 2 of Measure 11 is very explicit. Any person who knowingly performs any procedure upon a pregnant woman, or uses any instrument upon a pregnant woman…with the intent of causing the termination of the life of an unborn human being is guilty of performing an illegal abortion. In the case of the Campbells an 18-gauge radio frequency needle was inserted through the abdomen of the mother and targeted the umbilical cord with the specific intent to end the life of the sicker twin. It was an intentional death. Everyone knew what was going to be done in the operating room. Seriously, this issue needs to be put to rest now. The procedure that the Campbells chose with their doctor would be outlawed in South Dakota if IM 11 passed."
THE WAKE UP CALL QUESTIONS: #1. Why Did This "Fabulous E-Mailer" Only Quote From Section 2? Remember I Pointed Out That Section 2, 3, and 4 Of Initiative 11 Were Pertinent To This Discussion. This Fabulous E-Mailer Likes To Pick And Choose In Initiative 11 What Is Favorable To Their Point Of View. #2. Question Number Two Settles How The Law Would Be Adjudicated In The Courts! What Is The Spirit Of The Law??? Answer: To Save Life In The Womb! For This Precious Family, The Campbells, To Say That Initiative 11 Would Have Prevented The Selective Cord Coagulation Procedure To Be Done or This "Fabulous E-Mailer To Say "The procedure that the Campbells chose with their doctor would be outlawed in South Dakota IF IM 11 passed, Is Premature! Just A Reminder To You Ladies As To What The Latest 8th Circuit Court Of Appeals Ruling On Abortion In South Dakota Was??? "An OUCH For You!" (Check This Out With Your Attorney Rather Than The Mysterious "Fabulous E-Mailer"!)
p.s. http://www.dakotawomen.blogspot.com/ I'd Also Like To Hear Your Argument For Not Reporting, Rape And Incest And Reporting The Perpetrator? Just A Hint, Before You Answer! Look At The South Dakota Law Already In Place..."Misprision Of A Felony" 22-11-12. Misprision of felony--Misdemeanor. Any person who, having knowledge, which is not privileged, of the commission of a felony, conceals the felony, or does not immediately disclose the felony, including the name of the perpetrator, if known, and all of the other relevant known facts, to the proper authorities, is guilty of misprision of a felony. Misprision of a felony is a Class 1 misdemeanor. There is no misprision of misdemeanors on petty offenses.
Source: SL 1976, ch 158, § 11-6; SL 2005, ch 120, § 205.
Initiative 11,
pro choice,
pro life,
south dakota
Friday, September 26, 2008
They've Done It In The Past And Here It Is Again...Out Of Staters Coming To South Dakota To Try To Influence The Vote Of Our Electorate! What Are We???? Too Dumb To Know How To Vote Properly???? My Catholic Neighbor Put Them On The Run Last Time When He Asked Them, "Which Child Of Mine Do You Want To Kill???" The Out Of Staters, Proponents Of Killing The Unborn, Promptly Moved Out Of The Neighborhood Rather Quickly! Take A Look At The ACLU From Wisconsin's Plea For Help!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dakota Values Extends Our Sympathy To The Campbell Family
Dear Campbell Family, You Are In Our Thoughts And Prayers! In Hearing Of The Loss Of Your Infant Son Our Hearts Have Been Broken. We Are So Glad That Brady Survived And Is Such A Blessing To Your Family! Sincerely, Dakota Values
Pro Choice "Anonymous" Trys To Slam Pro Life "Dakota Values "
Anonymous on the http://www.dakotawomen.blogspot.com/ blog wrote...
DakotaValues, By your previous post, are you suggesting that the Campbell family's situation shouldn't be considered just because it's rare? You wrote, "This Of Course, Is An Extremely Rare Situation Which Occurs In 1 in a very remote number. The Good News Is That Initiative 11 Would NOT Prevent The Procedure, "Selective Cord Coagulation" From Taking Place. Please Also Remember That a "YES" On Initiative 11 Would Save The Lives Of Hundreds Of Healthy, Unborn Babies Who Are Perfectly Normal In The Womb Until An Abortion Is Recklessly Performed On That Healthy Baby!"Are you willing to sacrifice one of your kids because it's a rare condition? Just because it's rare doesn't mean people won't be affected by it and there shouldn't be exceptions for cases like these. I'm just waiting for you to post the Campbell's picture and phone number on your site and tell your 2 readers to make harrassing phone calls to them. Suggesting people intimidate others who don't share your view is not a "Dakota Value". Shame on you and your two-bit blog.
September 24, 2008 9:36 PM
Dakotavalues Responds...
Dear Anonymous, From reading and rereading your post directed towards me... You must think that I'm a really mean, terrible person and have no compassion for the Campbell family. First of all I don't discount their tragedy of losing one of their twins in the least bit. Secondly, not a bad idea to put their picture on the "Dakota Values" Blog although I would ask that people show compassion and pray for this family. Thirdly Anonymous, I have three children, our first died a few weeks before she was to be born from a rare, in utero condition. Didn't know that, did you Anonymous? I am amazed that you dislike me so much and you have never met me or know my life's journey. Our second daughter in utero, was tested (Alpha Theta Protein) and the test indicated that she had Downs Syndrome. The doctor urged us that we abort her. She was born without Downs and a year later to the day that our first daughter was buried. Our third baby, a son, was diagnosed in the womb, with cysts on his kidneys. The doctor also urged us that we should abort him. He was born and had a non functioning kidney removed at 18 months at the University of Minnesota. I'm sure you are happy to know that he is doing great! And about the "2 readers and the shame on you and your two bit blog" jab... just doesn't seem to hurt as much as when I held my dead daughter who died in utero from a rare condition.
September 24, 2008 11:41 PM
DakotaValues, By your previous post, are you suggesting that the Campbell family's situation shouldn't be considered just because it's rare? You wrote, "This Of Course, Is An Extremely Rare Situation Which Occurs In 1 in a very remote number. The Good News Is That Initiative 11 Would NOT Prevent The Procedure, "Selective Cord Coagulation" From Taking Place. Please Also Remember That a "YES" On Initiative 11 Would Save The Lives Of Hundreds Of Healthy, Unborn Babies Who Are Perfectly Normal In The Womb Until An Abortion Is Recklessly Performed On That Healthy Baby!"Are you willing to sacrifice one of your kids because it's a rare condition? Just because it's rare doesn't mean people won't be affected by it and there shouldn't be exceptions for cases like these. I'm just waiting for you to post the Campbell's picture and phone number on your site and tell your 2 readers to make harrassing phone calls to them. Suggesting people intimidate others who don't share your view is not a "Dakota Value". Shame on you and your two-bit blog.
September 24, 2008 9:36 PM
Dakotavalues Responds...
Dear Anonymous, From reading and rereading your post directed towards me... You must think that I'm a really mean, terrible person and have no compassion for the Campbell family. First of all I don't discount their tragedy of losing one of their twins in the least bit. Secondly, not a bad idea to put their picture on the "Dakota Values" Blog although I would ask that people show compassion and pray for this family. Thirdly Anonymous, I have three children, our first died a few weeks before she was to be born from a rare, in utero condition. Didn't know that, did you Anonymous? I am amazed that you dislike me so much and you have never met me or know my life's journey. Our second daughter in utero, was tested (Alpha Theta Protein) and the test indicated that she had Downs Syndrome. The doctor urged us that we abort her. She was born without Downs and a year later to the day that our first daughter was buried. Our third baby, a son, was diagnosed in the womb, with cysts on his kidneys. The doctor also urged us that we should abort him. He was born and had a non functioning kidney removed at 18 months at the University of Minnesota. I'm sure you are happy to know that he is doing great! And about the "2 readers and the shame on you and your two bit blog" jab... just doesn't seem to hurt as much as when I held my dead daughter who died in utero from a rare condition.
September 24, 2008 11:41 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Minnesota ACLU Will Tell South Dakotans How To Vote On Abortion October 3rd-5th!
Talk About Out Of State Influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1st The Abortionist Comes From Minneapolis To Kill Our Unborn Children And Now The ACLU Activists To Badger Our Citizens!!!!
From The Minnesota ACLU Website...."Join the ACLU Mobilization to Protect Women's Health
Be a Part of Defeating South Dakota's Abortion Ban!
The Campaign for Healthy Families needs your help to persuade South Dakotans to vote against the abortion ban. The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota will be sponsoring volunteers to go to South Dakota and talk to voters.
Join us the weekend of October 3rd- 5th in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
We're looking for volunteers who can arrive in Sioux Falls late Friday afternoon. We will phone bank Friday evening, knock on doors, and talk to voters all day Saturday and again on Sunday before traveling back Sunday afternoon (leaving Sioux Falls at 4 p.m.).
Travel, and most meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including vegetarian options) will be provided. There will also be lots of hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies for those hitting the streets and turning the tide in this critical election effort.
And best of all, you will be able to say that you were part of defeating South Dakota's ban on virtually all abortions and protecting reproductive freedom. Join us in Sioux Falls because freedom can't protect itself.
When: October 3-5, 2008"
From The Minnesota ACLU Website...."Join the ACLU Mobilization to Protect Women's Health
Be a Part of Defeating South Dakota's Abortion Ban!
The Campaign for Healthy Families needs your help to persuade South Dakotans to vote against the abortion ban. The American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota will be sponsoring volunteers to go to South Dakota and talk to voters.
Join us the weekend of October 3rd- 5th in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
We're looking for volunteers who can arrive in Sioux Falls late Friday afternoon. We will phone bank Friday evening, knock on doors, and talk to voters all day Saturday and again on Sunday before traveling back Sunday afternoon (leaving Sioux Falls at 4 p.m.).
Travel, and most meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner, including vegetarian options) will be provided. There will also be lots of hot chocolate, coffee, and cookies for those hitting the streets and turning the tide in this critical election effort.
And best of all, you will be able to say that you were part of defeating South Dakota's ban on virtually all abortions and protecting reproductive freedom. Join us in Sioux Falls because freedom can't protect itself.
When: October 3-5, 2008"
Abortion South Dakota - God Bless Dakotawomen.blogspot.com
Wow! What A Response From The Gals At www.Dakotawomen.blogspot.com Ned Flanders Came To Their Rescue To Enlighten Them To "Modern Medical Procedures For Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome" Which They Didn't Know Anything About. Although Ned Only Points Out One Modern Medical Procedure From The Texas Children's Hospital Fetal Care Center, You Can Read The Others!
Ned Does Point Out "Selective Cord Coagulation" "In some cases, a couple may make the difficult decision to proceed with the purposeful loss of one twin to save the other twin. This procedure is used when laser ablation of the connecting vessels is not possible or if one of the twins is so close to death that laser ablation would likely not be successful. By stopping the flow in the cord of the dying twin, the other twin can be protected from the consequences of its sibling’s death." Ladies, This Of Course, Is An Extremely Rare Situation Which Occurs In 1 in a very remote number. The Good News Is That Initiative 11 Would NOT Prevent The Procedure, "Selective Cord Coagulation" From Taking Place. Please Also Remember That a "YES" On Initiative 11 Would Save The Lives Of Hundreds Of Healthy, Unborn Babies Who Are Perfectly Normal In The Womb Until An Abortion Is Recklessly Performed On That Healthy Baby!
Ned Does Point Out "Selective Cord Coagulation" "In some cases, a couple may make the difficult decision to proceed with the purposeful loss of one twin to save the other twin. This procedure is used when laser ablation of the connecting vessels is not possible or if one of the twins is so close to death that laser ablation would likely not be successful. By stopping the flow in the cord of the dying twin, the other twin can be protected from the consequences of its sibling’s death." Ladies, This Of Course, Is An Extremely Rare Situation Which Occurs In 1 in a very remote number. The Good News Is That Initiative 11 Would NOT Prevent The Procedure, "Selective Cord Coagulation" From Taking Place. Please Also Remember That a "YES" On Initiative 11 Would Save The Lives Of Hundreds Of Healthy, Unborn Babies Who Are Perfectly Normal In The Womb Until An Abortion Is Recklessly Performed On That Healthy Baby!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Todd Palin Accused By Saturday Night Live Of Incest
Governor Sarah Palin's Husband Todd Was Accused Of Incest With His Daughters On NBC's Saturday Night Live. Take A Look!
Contact The Producer Of Saturday Night Live And Express Your Disappointment With This NBC's Program Crossing The Line In Attacking Political Families! The Producer Would Be Lorne Michaels at http://www.lornemichaels.com/
Please Ask For A Public Apology From Saturday Night Live For The Palin Family!
Contact The Producer Of Saturday Night Live And Express Your Disappointment With This NBC's Program Crossing The Line In Attacking Political Families! The Producer Would Be Lorne Michaels at http://www.lornemichaels.com/
Please Ask For A Public Apology From Saturday Night Live For The Palin Family!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Abortion South Dakota --"DakotaWomen.Blogspot.Com Please 'Google' Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome"
You Need To Love Those Women Over At www.Dakotawomen.blogspot.com. But Ladies, Please Get The Facts Before You Criticize The "Vote Yes For Life Folks" And The Right Reverend Steve Hickey! In Reference To The Recent Washington Post Article By Peter Slevin, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/20/AR2008092002144_pf.html, You Ask The VYFL Advocates And Pastor Hickey For The "Modern Medical Procedures" Used To Treat Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Ladies, Ladies, Just "Google" Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome" And You Will Find The Answer! There Are "Modern Medical Procedures That Are Used To Save Children With Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome. www.Dakotawomen.blogspot.com , Be Real! Ask Yourself, "Shouldn't Attempts Be Made With Current Modern Medical Procedures For Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrome Be Given A Chance Before A Routine Abortion Is Performed?" Hopefully, You Can Clearly See And Agree, That If Attempts Are Made To Correct An Unfortunate, In utereo, Abnormality, And One Or Both Twins Die There Is Not A Violation Of Initiative 11 In South Dakota.
For Your Convenience Take A Look At:
http://www.americanpregnancy.org/multiples/ttts.htm which states...
"What treatment options are available for Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome?
Up until recently twin to twin transfusion syndrome has claimed the life of both babies, but technology has brought about two new treatment options for this condition. The use of amniocentesis to drain off excess fluid appears to improve the blood flow in the placenta and reduce the risk of preterm labor. Amniocentesis can save approximately 60% of affected babies. Laser surgery can also be used to seal off the connection between the blood vessels and appears to save 60% of affected babies. Delivery is also an option if your health care provider determines the twins’ lungs have reached maturity."
Check Out This Site And Watch The Video! http://ourbaby.org/fetal-therapy/fetal-conditions-treated/twin-twin-transfusion-syndrome/
P.S. By The Way, I'm The Parent Of A Stillborn Baby Who, Of Course, Died Because Of An In Utero Abnormality Which Took Her Life. We Would Have Tried Any "Modern Medical Procedure" To Save Her! We Know The Pain Of Tiffany Campbell Of Losing One Baby But We Also Share In Her Joy That One Twin Survived!
P.S.S. www.Dakotawomen.blogspot.com , Just A Tip! Don't Be Calling People Names And Making Snide Remarks When You Don't Have All Of The Facts! (And When You Do Have All Of The Fact, Don't Be Calling People Names And Make Snide Remarks!)
For Your Convenience Take A Look At:
http://www.americanpregnancy.org/multiples/ttts.htm which states...
"What treatment options are available for Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome?
Up until recently twin to twin transfusion syndrome has claimed the life of both babies, but technology has brought about two new treatment options for this condition. The use of amniocentesis to drain off excess fluid appears to improve the blood flow in the placenta and reduce the risk of preterm labor. Amniocentesis can save approximately 60% of affected babies. Laser surgery can also be used to seal off the connection between the blood vessels and appears to save 60% of affected babies. Delivery is also an option if your health care provider determines the twins’ lungs have reached maturity."
Check Out This Site And Watch The Video! http://ourbaby.org/fetal-therapy/fetal-conditions-treated/twin-twin-transfusion-syndrome/
P.S. By The Way, I'm The Parent Of A Stillborn Baby Who, Of Course, Died Because Of An In Utero Abnormality Which Took Her Life. We Would Have Tried Any "Modern Medical Procedure" To Save Her! We Know The Pain Of Tiffany Campbell Of Losing One Baby But We Also Share In Her Joy That One Twin Survived!
P.S.S. www.Dakotawomen.blogspot.com , Just A Tip! Don't Be Calling People Names And Making Snide Remarks When You Don't Have All Of The Facts! (And When You Do Have All Of The Fact, Don't Be Calling People Names And Make Snide Remarks!)
We Have To Agree With "Dopera2004" Comments About South Dakota Abortion In The Washington Post!
Washington Post Comments....Dopera2004 wrote:
After the Columbine shootings, "This tragedy is an outrage", cried the public! "These teens were innocent young men, and women who had their whole lives ahead of them." Our nation must shout similar words every time an innocent child becomes a victim of violence through the abortion industry? Our nation must uphold, through its legislation, the belief that all life is sacred, especially the most innocent – the unborn? Our culture currently denies us the fundamental right to life. Such disrespect must be changed!
After the Columbine shootings, "This tragedy is an outrage", cried the public! "These teens were innocent young men, and women who had their whole lives ahead of them." Our nation must shout similar words every time an innocent child becomes a victim of violence through the abortion industry? Our nation must uphold, through its legislation, the belief that all life is sacred, especially the most innocent – the unborn? Our culture currently denies us the fundamental right to life. Such disrespect must be changed!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Original Founder Of NARAL Says Stop Abortion In South Dakota
Responsible For 75,000 Abortions, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, A Founding Member Of NARAL Says, It's Time To Stop Abortion In South Dakota Check Out: http://voteyesforlife.com/vmail.html
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Training For The U.S. Congress!
The Indian and the Buffalo
An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter: 'Want coffee.' The waiter says, 'Sure, Chief. Coming right up.' He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere and then just walks out. The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to the counter and says to the waiter 'Want coffee.' The waiter says 'Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?' The Indian smiles and proudly says .. 'Training for position in United States Congress: Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull, leave mess for others to clean up, disappear for rest of day!'
Democrats Support McCain
As I Googled "Republicans Support Obama" It Resulted In A Big Zero! As I Googled Democrats Support McCain, It Was Like Hitting The Jackpot In Las Vegas!
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, A Major Player For The Democratic National Party And Large Supporter Of Senator Clinton, Threw Her Support To Senator John McCain.
As I Listened To Larry King Live On CNN On Wednesday Night, Larry King Appeared To Be Caught Off Guard When The Money Man, Donald Trump, Gave An Unsolicited Endorsement Of Senator John McCain!
People In The Know, Know That MCCAIN Is The Man For The Office Of President!
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, A Major Player For The Democratic National Party And Large Supporter Of Senator Clinton, Threw Her Support To Senator John McCain.
As I Listened To Larry King Live On CNN On Wednesday Night, Larry King Appeared To Be Caught Off Guard When The Money Man, Donald Trump, Gave An Unsolicited Endorsement Of Senator John McCain!
People In The Know, Know That MCCAIN Is The Man For The Office Of President!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
South Dakota's Campaign For Unhealthy Families' TV AD - "Fiction, Distortion, Smoke And Mirrors"
They Are At It Again! Trying To Confuse The South Dakota Voter On Initiative 11! The Latest Pro Abort Television Ad Is Filled With Misleading Statements And Misinformation!
Please Watch The Video And Then Read The Fine Print Which The Confusing Video Demands That We Do! You Will See That All Of The Challenges Of This False, Misleading Commercial Are Addressed Satisfactorily In Initiative 11! VOTE YES ON INITIATIVE 11!
1. The law that appears on the ballot as Initiated Measure 11 is an extremely well written and well crafted law. The law was drafted by South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long at the request of leaders of the State Legislature. Attorney General Long assembled and presided over a panel of eleven legal experts for the purpose of insuring that the law was well crafted. It was drafted over a period of about eight months.
Any suggestion that the law is anything other than well drafted and well thought out is false and deliberately misleading. The voters of South Dakota can trust their Attorney General.
2. The ad claims that South Dakota “already voted on this.”
This is a false representation.
In 2006, the Legislature passed a law that prohibited abortion, but it did not contain exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother. That law was referred to the election in November of 2006 and was voted on.
The 2008 law is totally different and represents what the voting public said they wanted in place of the 2006 law.
In 2006 and again in 2007 and 2008, every poll taken in South Dakota, showed that the vast majority of South Dakota voters (between 58% and 67%) wanted abortion prohibited. But many thought that there should be exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother. Although 44% of the voters voted for the 2006 law with no exception, the 2008 Initiated Measure 11 prohibits abortions but incorporates the exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother, and represents what the South Dakota voters wanted as their law.
3. The ad implies that a procedure resulting in the death of a twin that has “Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome” is illegal under the law. That claim is not only false, but a shameful exploitation of the mother shown on the ad who lost her child.
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is a very rare complication that threatens the life of the babies in utero. However, today there are modern medical procedures that are used to save the children.
If, however, one of the children dies in utero as a result of those medical interventions, the loss of the baby does not violate the law under Initiated Measure 11. The claim that the mother, under the new law, could not have had a procedure to save the life of one or both of those children is totally false.
There is no reason for a doctor to deliberately kill one of the twins in an effort to save one of them, and physicians do not do so as part of accepted standards of medical practice. Under Section 2 of the law, only if the procedure is designed to deliberately and intentionally kill the baby, is it prohibited – unless it is permitted by one of the exceptions. An unintended death is not a violation of the law, and the law permits the procedure even if there is a risk that one or both babies could die from the procedure.
Section 2 specifically requires that the doctor’s act is “with the intent of causing the termination of the life of an unborn human being.” Medical treatment intended to save the lives of the babies is not prohibited. Further, Section 13, paragraph 1 of the law states:
“Medical treatment … that results in the unintentional injury or death of the unborn child is not a violation of this Act.”
It is offensive that the abortion proponents would use this personal tragedy to mislead the public, and it is exploitive of a mother who suffered a tragic loss.
4. The ad says that there is no way for a doctor to “give good advice” and that every case should be judged on an “individual case” basis. The implication is that the law prevents both.
That implication is deliberately misleading. Section 4 of the law specifically preserves the right of a doctor to make “a judgment that an abortion is necessary because there is a serious risk “of injury to a major bodily function of the mother. A doctor is not liable under the law if he performs an abortion to preserve the health of the mother, unless the “physician knowingly disregards accepted standard of medical practice.”
This means that only if the doctor knows good medicine does not require the abortion, is he prohibited from performing the abortion.
5. The ad makes the false claims that the voters can’t know what they are voting on.
The abortion proponents make these false claims because they cannot win a debate about this law if they made candid admissions about its content.
The law simply says that it is illegal to deliberately and intentionally kill an unborn child except in the case of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at risk or there is a serious risk to the health of the mother.
Having actors read Section 15 (chapters 187 and 188 etc.”) is intended to create the false impression that the law is difficult to understand. Section 15 is a technical section meant for the courts to let them know that one other law is not repealed.
From and Courtesy of www.Voteyesforlife.com
Please Watch The Video And Then Read The Fine Print Which The Confusing Video Demands That We Do! You Will See That All Of The Challenges Of This False, Misleading Commercial Are Addressed Satisfactorily In Initiative 11! VOTE YES ON INITIATIVE 11!
1. The law that appears on the ballot as Initiated Measure 11 is an extremely well written and well crafted law. The law was drafted by South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long at the request of leaders of the State Legislature. Attorney General Long assembled and presided over a panel of eleven legal experts for the purpose of insuring that the law was well crafted. It was drafted over a period of about eight months.
Any suggestion that the law is anything other than well drafted and well thought out is false and deliberately misleading. The voters of South Dakota can trust their Attorney General.
2. The ad claims that South Dakota “already voted on this.”
This is a false representation.
In 2006, the Legislature passed a law that prohibited abortion, but it did not contain exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother. That law was referred to the election in November of 2006 and was voted on.
The 2008 law is totally different and represents what the voting public said they wanted in place of the 2006 law.
In 2006 and again in 2007 and 2008, every poll taken in South Dakota, showed that the vast majority of South Dakota voters (between 58% and 67%) wanted abortion prohibited. But many thought that there should be exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother. Although 44% of the voters voted for the 2006 law with no exception, the 2008 Initiated Measure 11 prohibits abortions but incorporates the exceptions for rape, incest and the health of the mother, and represents what the South Dakota voters wanted as their law.
3. The ad implies that a procedure resulting in the death of a twin that has “Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome” is illegal under the law. That claim is not only false, but a shameful exploitation of the mother shown on the ad who lost her child.
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is a very rare complication that threatens the life of the babies in utero. However, today there are modern medical procedures that are used to save the children.
If, however, one of the children dies in utero as a result of those medical interventions, the loss of the baby does not violate the law under Initiated Measure 11. The claim that the mother, under the new law, could not have had a procedure to save the life of one or both of those children is totally false.
There is no reason for a doctor to deliberately kill one of the twins in an effort to save one of them, and physicians do not do so as part of accepted standards of medical practice. Under Section 2 of the law, only if the procedure is designed to deliberately and intentionally kill the baby, is it prohibited – unless it is permitted by one of the exceptions. An unintended death is not a violation of the law, and the law permits the procedure even if there is a risk that one or both babies could die from the procedure.
Section 2 specifically requires that the doctor’s act is “with the intent of causing the termination of the life of an unborn human being.” Medical treatment intended to save the lives of the babies is not prohibited. Further, Section 13, paragraph 1 of the law states:
“Medical treatment … that results in the unintentional injury or death of the unborn child is not a violation of this Act.”
It is offensive that the abortion proponents would use this personal tragedy to mislead the public, and it is exploitive of a mother who suffered a tragic loss.
4. The ad says that there is no way for a doctor to “give good advice” and that every case should be judged on an “individual case” basis. The implication is that the law prevents both.
That implication is deliberately misleading. Section 4 of the law specifically preserves the right of a doctor to make “a judgment that an abortion is necessary because there is a serious risk “of injury to a major bodily function of the mother. A doctor is not liable under the law if he performs an abortion to preserve the health of the mother, unless the “physician knowingly disregards accepted standard of medical practice.”
This means that only if the doctor knows good medicine does not require the abortion, is he prohibited from performing the abortion.
5. The ad makes the false claims that the voters can’t know what they are voting on.
The abortion proponents make these false claims because they cannot win a debate about this law if they made candid admissions about its content.
The law simply says that it is illegal to deliberately and intentionally kill an unborn child except in the case of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is at risk or there is a serious risk to the health of the mother.
Having actors read Section 15 (chapters 187 and 188 etc.”) is intended to create the false impression that the law is difficult to understand. Section 15 is a technical section meant for the courts to let them know that one other law is not repealed.
From and Courtesy of www.Voteyesforlife.com
Monday, September 15, 2008
South Dakotans Abort NARAL, Planned Parenthood And The ACLU!
Have You Noticed That South Dakota Is "In The News" Because Of The November 4th Ballot Initiative 11 Which Would Greatly Reduce The Number Of Abortions In South Dakota!?!?!?
Outsiders From Washington D.C., New York And Etc., Etc. Are Coming To Straighten Out Our Reproductive Rights Issues! The ACLU Deems It Necessary To Open An Office In Our (To Them...Desolate, Fly Over) State! NARAL, Planned Parenthood And The ACLU Met In Washington D.C. To Plan And Announce What They Were Going To Do About Radical Pro-Life South Dakota! Seems To Me They Could Have Come And Made The Announcement In South Dakota, But Didn't! Most Likely, Heads Of These Organizations Wouldn't Want To Waste Their Time To Even, Let Alone, Find South Dakota On The Map Nor Come To Our Incredible State!
Remember, The Pro-Life South Dakotans Have Now Introduced IM 11 With The Exceptions That Were Asked For By The Planned Parenthood Crowd In 2006 (Rape, Incest and Health Of The Mother). Typically In South Dakota, A Man's Word Is As Good As A Handshake! The Pro-Life Folks Did What Was Asked Of Them With IM 11 But Now The Planned Parenthood Abortion Store And Supporters Have Reneged On Their Word! They Just Can't Be Trusted!
South Dakotans, Stand Up For South Dakota Values, Not Values Conspired By The ACLU, NARAL, And Planned Parenthood!!! These Folks In The Out Of State, Distant Highrise Offices Have A Track Record Of Not Being Trusted! Just As Serious, The Fact Is That They Also Don't Mind If A Defenseless South Dakotan Baby Is Killed In The Womb In The State Of South Dakota!
Outsiders From Washington D.C., New York And Etc., Etc. Are Coming To Straighten Out Our Reproductive Rights Issues! The ACLU Deems It Necessary To Open An Office In Our (To Them...Desolate, Fly Over) State! NARAL, Planned Parenthood And The ACLU Met In Washington D.C. To Plan And Announce What They Were Going To Do About Radical Pro-Life South Dakota! Seems To Me They Could Have Come And Made The Announcement In South Dakota, But Didn't! Most Likely, Heads Of These Organizations Wouldn't Want To Waste Their Time To Even, Let Alone, Find South Dakota On The Map Nor Come To Our Incredible State!
Remember, The Pro-Life South Dakotans Have Now Introduced IM 11 With The Exceptions That Were Asked For By The Planned Parenthood Crowd In 2006 (Rape, Incest and Health Of The Mother). Typically In South Dakota, A Man's Word Is As Good As A Handshake! The Pro-Life Folks Did What Was Asked Of Them With IM 11 But Now The Planned Parenthood Abortion Store And Supporters Have Reneged On Their Word! They Just Can't Be Trusted!
South Dakotans, Stand Up For South Dakota Values, Not Values Conspired By The ACLU, NARAL, And Planned Parenthood!!! These Folks In The Out Of State, Distant Highrise Offices Have A Track Record Of Not Being Trusted! Just As Serious, The Fact Is That They Also Don't Mind If A Defenseless South Dakotan Baby Is Killed In The Womb In The State Of South Dakota!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Main Stream Media Attacks Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin
Amazing How Christians Can Be Attacked By The Main Stream Media In Whatever Manner They Choose While Attacking Another Religion Would Be Abhorrent! Jesus Stressed To His Followers That They Should "Turn The Other Cheek" But How Many Cheeks Does A Christian Have??? Jesus' Admonition "To Turn The Other Cheek" Follows The Bible's Promise That God Will "Repay Evil" So The Christian Doesn't Need To. "Face It, God Nose The Main Stream Media And He Has His Eye On Them!" Watch Out Media Mice! He May Not "Turn The Other Cheek"!
As Reported By http://www.theapostolicreport.wordpress.com/, The Washington Post Cartoon Makes Fun of Speaking in Tongues12 09 2008
A political cartoon in the September 9th issue of the Washington Post makes fun of Sarah Palin’s Pentecostalism, and all Pentecostals by extension. The blasphemous caricature triptych depicts Sarah Palin on the telephone to God. She speaks unintelligibly as an on-looking McCain remarks: “She’s Pentecostal and speaks in tongues, and only God can understand what she’s saying, but it gives my campaign a direct line to the Almighty.” In the final panel, ’God’ complains to Peter that he can’t understand the politician ’spouting gibberish.’
The cartoon includes an expletive as well.
Pentecostals are encouraged to contact the Washington Post and express their outrage at this profane depiction of speaking in tongues. Click here to see the cartoon.
As Reported By http://www.theapostolicreport.wordpress.com/, The Washington Post Cartoon Makes Fun of Speaking in Tongues12 09 2008
A political cartoon in the September 9th issue of the Washington Post makes fun of Sarah Palin’s Pentecostalism, and all Pentecostals by extension. The blasphemous caricature triptych depicts Sarah Palin on the telephone to God. She speaks unintelligibly as an on-looking McCain remarks: “She’s Pentecostal and speaks in tongues, and only God can understand what she’s saying, but it gives my campaign a direct line to the Almighty.” In the final panel, ’God’ complains to Peter that he can’t understand the politician ’spouting gibberish.’
The cartoon includes an expletive as well.
Pentecostals are encouraged to contact the Washington Post and express their outrage at this profane depiction of speaking in tongues. Click here to see the cartoon.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Joe Biden Resigns! Hillary Accepts Democratic V.P. Position!
"Joe Biden Resigns! Hillary Accepts Democratic V.P. Position!" ... So Today Is Just Another Stab At Predicting The Future! The Writing Is On The Wall! If The Democrats Want A Chance Of Winning The White House They Will Have To Have Hillary On The Ticket! Kind Of Reminds Me Of George McGovern Giving Thomas Eagleton The "Heave Ho" in 1972!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Crosses Vandalized In Pro Life South Dakota Abortion Display - No Surprise!
The Sioux Falls Argus Leader Reported..."A display related to abortion at Blessed Redeemer Lutheran Church, 705 Sioux Blvd., (in Brandon, S.D.) was vandalized Wednesday evening.
The display features 748 wooden crosses, which depict the 748 abortions that were performed in 2006. The traveling display is a project of Lutherans for Life of South Dakota Inc."
This Is No Surprise As To What Happened in 2006.....Phil Eddy, outreach coordinator for the American Life League, listed some of the damage:
• Vandals broke into the vehicle of a VoteYesForLife volunteer and damaged the interior.• Vandals spray painted an unborn-memorial sign at Bible Baptist Church in Brookings; in addition, crosses staked in remembrance of aborted children were destroyed.• Vandals spray painted the wall of O'Gorman Catholic High School with a slogan that opposed the abortion ban.• Vandals spray painted the South Dakota State University Newman Center church and the Cemetery of the Innocents next to it.• "Vote Yes" signs in Rapid City and Sioux Falls stolen.• "Vote Yes" signs in Sioux Falls set on fire.
The display features 748 wooden crosses, which depict the 748 abortions that were performed in 2006. The traveling display is a project of Lutherans for Life of South Dakota Inc."
This Is No Surprise As To What Happened in 2006.....Phil Eddy, outreach coordinator for the American Life League, listed some of the damage:
• Vandals broke into the vehicle of a VoteYesForLife volunteer and damaged the interior.• Vandals spray painted an unborn-memorial sign at Bible Baptist Church in Brookings; in addition, crosses staked in remembrance of aborted children were destroyed.• Vandals spray painted the wall of O'Gorman Catholic High School with a slogan that opposed the abortion ban.• Vandals spray painted the South Dakota State University Newman Center church and the Cemetery of the Innocents next to it.• "Vote Yes" signs in Rapid City and Sioux Falls stolen.• "Vote Yes" signs in Sioux Falls set on fire.
Lampstand Project, Alternative To South Dakota Abortions
Lampstand Project
Churches Become Safe Haven for Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancy
Contact: Pastor Steve Hickey, VoteYesForLife.com, 605-357-8136
SIOUX FALLS, SD, Sept. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Church leaders across South Dakota are organizing "The Lampstand Project" to mobilize a coalition of churches who pledge to support women and families facing unplanned pregnancy. The churches want to reach out to those who choose alternatives other than abortion when faced with the difficult decision.
A press conference will be held Wednesday, September 10th at 10 a.m. at the Ramada Airport Center (1301 West Russell). The Lampstand Project hopes to identify and mobilize at least 800 churches in the state that are willing to be a light in their community and encourage women to choose life for their unborn child. The coalition boldly supports Initiated Measure 11, which will be on the ballot November 4th. Measure 11 stops abortion as birth control, preventing up to 97 percent of all abortions in South Dakota.
The Lampstand Project represents the entire spectrum on Christian faith traditions. The group wants to demonstrate love and compassion for women facing an unplanned pregnancy by offering support throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born. Lampstand churches will place emblems in their windows helping women easily identify them as a safe and welcoming place they can go for support.
"We believe it is not enough to just be pro-life and preach a sermon once a year on Sanctity or Respect Life Sunday. Our affirmations go beyond words and include specific actions and commitments to women and unborn children," said Steve Hickey, Pastor at Church of the Gate in Sioux Falls. "Spiritual leaders are stepping up to care for women and children, something the Bible calls 'pure religion.' It is not true South Dakota women only have Planned Parenthood to turn to in a time of crisis. In every remote corner of this state are churches ready to tangibly help provide safe places for women and children, born and unborn." Churches, individuals and businesses can help in many ways, from simply posting a yard sign to volunteering at the VoteYesForLife.com office. For more information, please contact VoteYesForLife.com at 605.271.7581. Source: South Dakota Department of Health, Office of Data, Statistics, and Vital Records
Churches Become Safe Haven for Women Facing Unplanned Pregnancy
Contact: Pastor Steve Hickey, VoteYesForLife.com, 605-357-8136
SIOUX FALLS, SD, Sept. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Church leaders across South Dakota are organizing "The Lampstand Project" to mobilize a coalition of churches who pledge to support women and families facing unplanned pregnancy. The churches want to reach out to those who choose alternatives other than abortion when faced with the difficult decision.
A press conference will be held Wednesday, September 10th at 10 a.m. at the Ramada Airport Center (1301 West Russell). The Lampstand Project hopes to identify and mobilize at least 800 churches in the state that are willing to be a light in their community and encourage women to choose life for their unborn child. The coalition boldly supports Initiated Measure 11, which will be on the ballot November 4th. Measure 11 stops abortion as birth control, preventing up to 97 percent of all abortions in South Dakota.
The Lampstand Project represents the entire spectrum on Christian faith traditions. The group wants to demonstrate love and compassion for women facing an unplanned pregnancy by offering support throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born. Lampstand churches will place emblems in their windows helping women easily identify them as a safe and welcoming place they can go for support.
"We believe it is not enough to just be pro-life and preach a sermon once a year on Sanctity or Respect Life Sunday. Our affirmations go beyond words and include specific actions and commitments to women and unborn children," said Steve Hickey, Pastor at Church of the Gate in Sioux Falls. "Spiritual leaders are stepping up to care for women and children, something the Bible calls 'pure religion.' It is not true South Dakota women only have Planned Parenthood to turn to in a time of crisis. In every remote corner of this state are churches ready to tangibly help provide safe places for women and children, born and unborn." Churches, individuals and businesses can help in many ways, from simply posting a yard sign to volunteering at the VoteYesForLife.com office. For more information, please contact VoteYesForLife.com at 605.271.7581. Source: South Dakota Department of Health, Office of Data, Statistics, and Vital Records
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Refreshing Vice President Candidate Sarah Palin
( A "Pale In Comparison")
1. Joe Biden Looks Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin!
2. ProChoice Looks Palin Comparison To Pro Life Sarah Palin!
3. Mainstream Media Looks Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's Honesty And Integrity!
4. Washington's "Good Old Boys" Look Palin Comparison To Pit Bull Sarah Palin!
5. Deflated Liberals Look Palin Comparison To Pumped Up Sarah Palin's Conservatives!
6. Oil Sheiks Look Palin Comparison To Ready To Drill For Oil, Sarah Palin!
7. Pit Bulls Look Palin Comparison To Hockey Mom, Lip Stick Wearing, Sarah Palin!
8. Blue States Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's Red State Alaska!
9. Moose Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's "Eat Moose Burger Statements"
10. Pork Spending Liberals Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's "No More Bridges!"
1. Joe Biden Looks Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin!
2. ProChoice Looks Palin Comparison To Pro Life Sarah Palin!
3. Mainstream Media Looks Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's Honesty And Integrity!
4. Washington's "Good Old Boys" Look Palin Comparison To Pit Bull Sarah Palin!
5. Deflated Liberals Look Palin Comparison To Pumped Up Sarah Palin's Conservatives!
6. Oil Sheiks Look Palin Comparison To Ready To Drill For Oil, Sarah Palin!
7. Pit Bulls Look Palin Comparison To Hockey Mom, Lip Stick Wearing, Sarah Palin!
8. Blue States Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's Red State Alaska!
9. Moose Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's "Eat Moose Burger Statements"
10. Pork Spending Liberals Look Palin Comparison To Sarah Palin's "No More Bridges!"
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
John McCain Vs. Barak Obama - It's Clear Who Should Lead America!!
This chart does a nice job summarizing the two positions.
Favors new drilling offshore US
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Served in the US Armed Forces
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Amount of time served in the US Senate
22 YEARS - McCain
173 DAYS - Obama
Will institute a socialized national health care plan
No -McCain
Yes - Obama
Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Supports gun ownership rights
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Supports homosexual marriage
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Voted against making English the official language
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)
15% (no change)
39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')
(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500Single making 50K - tax $12,500Single making 75K - tax $18,750Married making 60K- tax $9,000Married making 75K - tax $18,750Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400Single making 50K - tax $14,000Single making 75K - tax $23,250Married making 60K - tax $16,800Married making 75K - tax $21,000Married making 125K - tax $38,750Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!
- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
Restore the inheritance tax
Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.
New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
You can verify the above at the following web sites:
Favors new drilling offshore US
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Served in the US Armed Forces
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Amount of time served in the US Senate
22 YEARS - McCain
173 DAYS - Obama
Will institute a socialized national health care plan
No -McCain
Yes - Obama
Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Supports gun ownership rights
Yes - McCain
No - Obama
Supports homosexual marriage
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Voted against making English the official language
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
No - McCain
Yes - Obama
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)
15% (no change)
39.6% - (How will this affect you? If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')
(no changes)
Single making 30K - tax $4,500Single making 50K - tax $12,500Single making 75K - tax $18,750Married making 60K- tax $9,000Married making 75K - tax $18,750Married making 125K - tax $31,250
OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400Single making 50K - tax $14,000Single making 75K - tax $23,250Married making 60K - tax $16,800Married making 75K - tax $21,000Married making 125K - tax $38,750Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!
- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
Restore the inheritance tax
Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.
New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!
You can verify the above at the following web sites:
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