Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pro Choice "Anonymous" Trys To Slam Pro Life "Dakota Values "

Anonymous on the blog wrote...
DakotaValues, By your previous post, are you suggesting that the Campbell family's situation shouldn't be considered just because it's rare? You wrote, "This Of Course, Is An Extremely Rare Situation Which Occurs In 1 in a very remote number. The Good News Is That Initiative 11 Would NOT Prevent The Procedure, "Selective Cord Coagulation" From Taking Place. Please Also Remember That a "YES" On Initiative 11 Would Save The Lives Of Hundreds Of Healthy, Unborn Babies Who Are Perfectly Normal In The Womb Until An Abortion Is Recklessly Performed On That Healthy Baby!"Are you willing to sacrifice one of your kids because it's a rare condition? Just because it's rare doesn't mean people won't be affected by it and there shouldn't be exceptions for cases like these. I'm just waiting for you to post the Campbell's picture and phone number on your site and tell your 2 readers to make harrassing phone calls to them. Suggesting people intimidate others who don't share your view is not a "Dakota Value". Shame on you and your two-bit blog.
September 24, 2008 9:36 PM

Dakotavalues Responds...
Dear Anonymous, From reading and rereading your post directed towards me... You must think that I'm a really mean, terrible person and have no compassion for the Campbell family. First of all I don't discount their tragedy of losing one of their twins in the least bit. Secondly, not a bad idea to put their picture on the "Dakota Values" Blog although I would ask that people show compassion and pray for this family. Thirdly Anonymous, I have three children, our first died a few weeks before she was to be born from a rare, in utero condition. Didn't know that, did you Anonymous? I am amazed that you dislike me so much and you have never met me or know my life's journey. Our second daughter in utero, was tested (Alpha Theta Protein) and the test indicated that she had Downs Syndrome. The doctor urged us that we abort her. She was born without Downs and a year later to the day that our first daughter was buried. Our third baby, a son, was diagnosed in the womb, with cysts on his kidneys. The doctor also urged us that we should abort him. He was born and had a non functioning kidney removed at 18 months at the University of Minnesota. I'm sure you are happy to know that he is doing great! And about the "2 readers and the shame on you and your two bit blog" jab... just doesn't seem to hurt as much as when I held my dead daughter who died in utero from a rare condition.
September 24, 2008 11:41 PM

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