Monday, March 16, 2009

Yesterday It Was Pork! Today It's A Beef With AIG! Tomorrow We Can't Be Playing Chicken!

Today as I read the headlines and watched the news, a "Beef" was rendered against AIG as they were led to the hot seat. Apparently millions are going to pay bonuses to executives at the bailed out insurance giant!

Today, we have forgotten that Yesterday it was the politicians who were in the news because they had "hammed it up" with too much pork directed to their pet projects in the bailout.

What about tomorrow? The media will be pointing their fingers at some other entity that has not handled truth, money, and the country's trust with integrity! But what about the media who has to own up to their own responsibility in creating such a mess in America and indirectly to the world's economy. They aren't, as they now portray, as innocent as they want you to believe! They are in the same stock truck headed to the packing plant for slaughter as the Politicians and the bonus grabbers at AIG!

What about tomorrow, should the "buck stop here," should a stop payment be issued on the bailout checks?!?!?!? Let's not be "Chicken" about the "beef" and about the "pork" that has lambasted the American public while AIG Executives and Politicians continue to live life as usual on our tax payer dollars!

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