Saturday, October 25, 2008

Life or Death! Vote "Yes" On South Dakota Initiative 11!

Life Or Death!

Hi! My name is Jenna and I am sixteen years old.
Years ago when my mom was pregnant with me, a medical test indicated that I had Downs Syndrome. The doctor told my
parents that they could abort me since the test indicated that I had Downs. In other words, they would be giving me my death sentence. However, my parents refused to abort me and decided to continue the pregnancy to full term, even with the possibility that I might have an anomaly.

I am happy to report that I was born a healthy baby!!! While I was in elementary school, I won the school spelling bee and made it to the Argus Leader Spelling Bee. In middle school,
I again went to the Argus Leader Spelling Bee and placed in one of the top three positions! Over the last few years I have successfully competed in
academic quiz bowls.

I am so grateful that my
parents did not rely on the medical test results to
determine if I should live or die. I am thankful that my parents told the doctor that they would not be ending my life.

On November 4, please
remember my story and
Vote “YES” for LIFE on
Initiative Measure 11!

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