Sunday, October 26, 2008

Remember Corbin! Vote "Yes" On Initiative 11 In South Dakota!

My name is Corbin and I have a story to tell you.

When I was just a little guy in my mommy's womb, my mom had an ultrasound. The ultrasound gave my mom and dad some news they didn’t expect to hear. The doctor told them that I was going to have downs syndrome, cystic fibrosis and some heart defects. The doctor told my mom that she could have an amniocentesis done to test for sure if I had these anomalies…and to help her decide “what to do with the baby.”

The doctor also told my mom that the amniocentesis had a slight risk of hurting me. My mom and dad talked it over, and they decided not to do the test. On the second ultrasound, it still showed that I had markers for downs syndrome, but none for cystic fibrosis. They did an echo cardiogram on my heart, when I was still in my mommy's tummy and the doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with my heart!! All the other ultrasounds still showed that I was going to have downs syndrome. My mom and dad didn’t care though, because they had their little boy. They were going to love me no matter what.

On July 3, 2007 I was born, and guess what, I am healthy and “normal.” After that first ultrasound, they could have given up, and aborted me because I wasn’t going to be perfect in the world's eyes. I’m so glad that they chose life. Would you have given up on me?

Please Remember My Story And Vote "Yes" On Initiative 11 On Tuesday, November 4th!

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